Update: Rent Payments and Income Certifications
At this time our main office and site offices are closed, however, we are rotating limited staff to those offices when and as needed to perform essential services per the Governor’s directives. All our staff are also working full-time remotely from their homes and will continue to do our best to address all needs of our tenants.
If you are a Section 8 tenant receiving a rent subsidy and have lost all or a portion of your income because of the COVID-19 outbreak, please reach out to your site manager as soon as possible so that we can prepare and file an interim recertification to lower your share of the rent. HUD has issued guidance that makes it easier to submit and process these interim recertifications. Also, if you have an annual recertification coming due soon please reach out to your site manager for further instruction.
Tenants experiencing extenuating circumstances due to the COVID-19 virus can provide management with documentation for the recertification (interim and/or annual) by email or other electronic delivery. Documentation includes, but is not limited to, paystubs, (Social Security) SS/Supplemental Social Security (SSI)/State Supplemental Program (SSP) awards, bank statements, and public assistance documents. If electronic documentation is received by management, and original documents are required by HUD Handbook 4350.3, REV-1, management must collect the original documents from the tenant at a later date and obtain signatures on all required documentation.
If you are a market rate tenant, voucher tenant or are receiving any other type of subsidy and have lost all or a portion of your income because of the COVID-19 outbreak, you should reach out to the agency in charge of your program.
You should also apply for unemployment benefits right away. The stimulus law recently passed by the federal government increases the amount of unemployment benefits you can receive and covers more people than before (self-employed, independent contractors, reduced hours).
Please note that all rent payments can be made through the tenant portal via the Lakeview website at https://lakeviewnyc.com/rent-payments-and-maintenance/. If you have not yet requested to have an online account established, please send an email to lakeview@lihc.com with your full name, email you would like to use to register and your tenant code. If you choose to mail in your rent payments, please continue to do so to our main office. We are picking them up periodically every week and having them processed as normal. If you are unable to leave your residence to purchase a money order or otherwise send in your payment, please put your funds aside and send in all payments as soon as you can do so.
Thank you and as always, please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.